The Astrogeo VLBI FITS image database
DOI: 10.25966/kyy8-yp57
The Astrogeo VLBI FITS image database contains
brightness distributions of
compact radio sources,
mainly active galaxy nuclea (AGN),
generated by analyzing very long baseline interferometry
) surveys — dedicated radioastronomy observations of large lists
of radio sources on networks of radio telescopes spread at distances of
thousand kilometers. The primary database contents is not pictures, but
brightness distribution in a digital form,
specifically in
FITS format,
and calibrated visibility data, which makes it possible to use
this database for scientific work. Derived quantities, such as visualization
of images and estimates of the correlated flux density are also available.
The images were contributed by courtesy of many authors.
The database can be searched using one
of these methods:
Alphabetic list of source J2000-names
Search by name
Search by position
In addition to brightness distribution, estimates of the correlated flux density
from VLBI experiments for a number of sources are available. Currently, they
are not included in the database and are not searched.
The contents of the database can also
accessible as
Each image is represented with six files:
- the calibrated and edited set of visibility (i.e. cross-correlation
function) points in
FITS format;
- the set of clean components that models the source brightness
distribution in
FITS format;
- the picture of the source image in
Postscript format;
- the plot of dependence of the correlated flux density
on the baseline length in Postscript format;
- the plot of the uv-coverage;
- the table with the total correlated flux density; the median
correlated flux density at baseline lengths less than 900 km,
the median correlated density at baseline lengths greater than
5000 km. For many sources images at more than one epoch, at more
than one frequency bands are available.
The images in
FITS format submitted by authors were pre-processed to
a standardized form. The process of standardization involved: a) assignment
of new names to each file; b) adding 14 new keywords in the FITS headers;
c) removal of lengthy history records; d) generating the pictures and plots
in Postscript format; e) generating the table with estimates of the
correlated flux density.
Authors who contributed images (in alphabetic order)
- Alessandra Bertarini and Laura Vega Garcia
- Nicholas Corey
- Yuzhu Cui
- Leonid Gurvits
- Xuan He
- Tatiana Koryukova
- Yuri Y. Kovalev
- Sang-Sung Lee
- Rocco Lico
- Elisabetta Liuzzo
- Alan Marsher and Svetlana Jorstad
- Christopher Marvin
- Members of the MOJAVE project team who produced the images:
- Dan Homan,
- Jose-Luis Gomez,
- Yuri Kovalev,
- Matt Lister,
- Alexander Pushkarev,
- Eduardo Ros,
- Tuomas Savolainen
- Leonid Petrov
- Alexandr Popkov
- Alexandr Pushkarev
- Kirill Sokolovski
- An Tao
- Greg Taylor
- Alet de Witt
- Minghui Xu
- Bo Zhang
The authors provided written consent to display their results at this
web resource.
How to submit images
If you have images that you would like to be incorporated in the database,
you are welcome to submit them. At minimum, two files per source should be
available for submission: 1) a map in FITS format; 2) calibrated visibilities
in FITS format. Images are grouped in campaigns that usually correspond to
individual observing projects. Each submission for a given campaign should
be accompanied with an ascii file with meta-data
and an cross-reference table between sources names embedded in the FITS-file
header and 10-character long IAU J2000 source names. Just send the link to
the tar-files with data and the metadata to the database maintainer,
Leonid Petrov.
Usage policy
If used images for your work you are encouraged to include this
Acknowledgment Statement:
We used in our work the Astrogeo VLBI FITS image database,
DOI: 10.25966/kyy8-yp57, maintained by Leonid Petrov.
Reproduction of images
The contents of this database is protected by the copyright law. All rights
to images belong to image authors. You can download and use the contents of
this database for your personal work. If you would like to reproduce
images from this database in any sort of publications, please ask permission
of the image author. You can find image author name in the FITS header.
If you reproduce images in your publication but this acknowledgment is not
sufficient: you are required to cite original publications. You are encouraged
to contact with the authors of images who will instruct you how to cite properly
his or her contribution. You can put a reference to this database or any file
from this database in any electronic or printed document. You are not allowed
to make available at your web or ftp site or to distribute by other means
original and derived products, including but not limited postscript or gif
pictures of any source found on this web resource, without written permission
from the image authors.
The use of Very Long Baseline Array
(VLBA) data is acknowledged. VLBA is operated by the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, which is a facility of the National Science Foundation, and operated
under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. The use of the VLBA under
the US Naval Observatory's time allocation is acknowledged. This work supports USNO's
ongoing research into the celestial reference frame and geodesy. These data were
retrieved from the VLBA public archive.
The use of Long Baseline Array
(LBA) data
is acknowledged. The LBA is a part of the Australia Telescope National Facility
which is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National
Facility managed by CSIRO.
The use of European VLBI Network
(EVN) data is acknowledged.
The European VLBI Network is a joint facility of independent European, African,
Asian, and North American radio astronomy institutes.
The use of Korean and VLBI Exploration for Astrometry VLBI Networks
(KVN and KaVa) data
The KVN and VERA are operated by the the Korea Astronomy and Space Science
Institute and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
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Responsible NASA official: Leonid Petrov
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Last update: 2024.09.22_01:52:56