NASA Goddard Space Flight Center   Geodesy and Geophysics Laboratory  

Space Geodesy Data Analysis Software System

DOI: 10.25966/7z5f-eg07


Space geodesy data analysis software suite (SGDASS) is a collection of software programs with the primary goal of support of analysis of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. It consists of programs for processing raw interferometric visibility data, i.e. time series of auto- and cross-correlations; processing group delays and calibrated visibilities for estimation of station position source coordinates, Earth orientation parameters, as well as user defined parameters; computation of edited and coherently averaged visibilities over time- and frequency; analysis of raw results of parameter estimation and generation data products of VLBI parameter estimation; scheduling VLBI observations; and the infrastructure for processing data that are required as a priori for space geodesy data analysis. That infrastructure consists of programs for computation of theoretical time delay and Doppler frequency shift for geodetic and absolve astrometry VLBI observations; computation of slant path delay through the heterogeneous atmosphere, as well as atmospheric opacity and atmosphere brightness temperature; computation of crustal deformation caused by mass loading; computation of the atmospheric angular momentum; prediction of the Earth orientation parameters; computation of the total electron contents in the ionosphere using GNSS global ionospheric maps, a custom database handler, and a suite of general purpose mathematical procedures. That suite consists of tools routines implementing fast spherical harmonics transform, matrix inversion, sparse matrix algebra, expansion into multi-dimensional B-spline transform, various parameter estimation tools, and general routines for the interface with UNIX, and a graphic interface.

SGDASS provides a layer of software of a pipeline for analysis of VLBI data for both research and development purposes and for generation of data products on a regular basis in a form suitable for scientific publications and for their dissemination to the scientific community.

SGDASS has dependencies to a number of open source packages. It requires open source GNU compiler collection for building. SGDASS does not have dependencies to non-open source codes.

A brief SGDASS description


Source code is available at the github repository.

Tarball with Space Geodesy Data Analysis Software System sgdass-20250130.tar

Installation instructions are here sgdass-20250130_INSTALL.txt See file INSTALL inside the tarball for installation instuctions.

License: NASA Open Source Agreement. Government Agency Original Software Designation: GSC-19327-1. Approved for public release.



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